Alice Nash Memorial Heritage Hut

Alice Nash Memorial Heritage Hut
Approximate time: 1hr 30mins return
Location: Table top road near Apiti
Driving time from Palmy: 1hr 24mins
Terrain: Starts on farmland initially then into bush. Steady climbs up and down but not too strenuous or steep.
Track Surface: Well graded walking track. 
- Some steep drop offs in places
- Hut has a 1-1.5m drop off the deck and an open fire
- The bridge partway along is very steep up and down and can be slippery after rain.
- Popular spot for hunting so there are often hunters in the area and a rifle range off to the left of the 
track near the start.
- Lots of thistles in the farmland track part for little hands to grab.
Suitable for: 
- All ages, babies in carriers. Would be doable with a pram with a few people and perseverance but would be very hard work!
Dogs: Allowed but need a permit from DOC which is free. Just go in to the office with the dog's tag number, permit lasts a year.

- hut has a long drop toilet and running water. No electicity but has a wood burner. Hut fees are $5 a night and $2.50 school age, under four free, eight bunks. There is an attached deerstalkers association part which can be booked by association members.
Doc Link:
Google Map of approximate start location: