Burtton's Track

Burtton's Track
Distance: 17km one way
Approximate time: 6hrs going south, 7hrs going north
Location: Scotts Road near Linton
Driving time from Palmy: 45-53mins, 28km (about 15km of gravel)
Terrain: Initially undulating then heads uphill to the DOC boundary
Track Surface: From Scott's Road end, initially gravel forestry road, then farm track (very grassy) for 1hr 30mins approx, then track proper is varying bush track at times steep, slippery and roots with lots of windfall.
- Start involves climbing over a stile to get around a locked gate. There is another locked gate after about an hour.
- Initial forestry road has a locked gate down the bottom so there shouldn't be any traffic unless there is active logging in which case the track is usually closed. Have seen occasional quad bikes though.
- The track itself has a lot of trees down at the moment with lots of clambering involved, it also has two 

stream crossings - one involving walking up the stream which is usually knee deep.
Suitable for: From Scott's Road: The first part is suitable for prams if you can get them over the first stile which could be a bit tricky as you kind of sidle along around the fence. The road and track up to the DOC land is suitable for baby carrying, toddlers and supervised children. The actual Burtton's track itself which you reach after 1hr 30mins of climbing is only suitable for older children with a reasonable amount of tramping experience and even then the stream crossings could be dangerous after rain.
Dogs: Allowed on a leash
- The much nicer option to make a sensible walk is to just go up to the DOC boundary and back. This makes a return walk of about three hours.
- The first part of the walk used to be walking through nice pine forest, this has all been logged in the last few years and is now just a desolate landscape of post logging carnage. You reach forest again after about 30-40 minutes from the start.
- The second gate is usually locked and you will have to clamber over although it's not very high.
- There is a clearing which makes a nice picnic spot about 1hr 15mins into the walk (approximately)
- There are a few junctions on the forestry roads and it's important to go the right way, I can't remember if there are signs as I know the way now, I'll try and remember to check next time!
Doc Link:
Burtton's Track Brochure:
Google map of approximate start location: