Fern Walk - Totara Reserve

Fern Walk - Totara Reserve
Distance: 5km

Approximate time: 2 to 2 1/2 hours
Location: Totara Reserve in the Pohangina Valley
Driving time from Palmy: 33mins, 38km
Terrain: Mostly flat, one or two hills
Track Surface: Mostly good, lots of tree roots in places, short section of farm track and very short section on the road.
- Quite a few tree roots to slip over
- Large cliff (drop) close to the track at a number of points
- Requires crossing a bridge on the road but not much traffic around
- Two trees down over the track currently, one requires going under but not too difficult, the other one we had to go around off track but it's an open area so not too difficult.
Suitable for: Babies in backpacks (front packs would be difficult given the number of tree roots); supervised older children - not ones that will wander off the cliff though!
Dogs: Not allowed

- Toilet (long drop) at the start
- There is an obvious parking space but no sign 
saying 'fern walk' yet you probably are in the 
right place if there's a long drop!
- The track goes up to join the loop further up the road, you could start here but the parking isn't so good.
- When you get to the loop go to the LEFT which is the way the sign points. The reason for this is there is a five minute or so short sharp climb up onto the higher plateau with a drop off and a narrow path. This would be much more dangerous going down than up especially as it can be quite slippery. If you go up that way then you come downhill on a very safe and easy to navigate farm track which is much easier and safer.
- There are a good variety of trees and a few tracks off to the side to look at other trees. Follow the white markers for the track!
- There are two lookouts which both have a bench for a rest - the second lookout and 
bench involves climbing over a stile
- For a cafe visit you can stop off at the Waterford Pub which does some food and good coffee
Totara Reserve Information Leaflet:
Google Map of Approximate start location: