Kiriwhakapapa Mikimiki Valley

Kiriwhakapapa Mikimiki Valley
Distance: 6.5km
Approximate time: 2hrs one way
Location: Tararua Ranges, Wairarapa Side south of Eketahuna
Driving time from Palmy: 1hr 20mins
Terrain: Undulating
Track Surface: Tramping track
- A few stream crossings, usually passable
- Track can be very muddy when wet
- Also open to Mountain Bikes
Suitable for: Babies in carriers, supervised older children; probably not pram suitable due to river crossings and steps!
Dogs: Not allowed
- This is one of the few walks in the Tararuas that works ok with a baby, it's still a tramp rather than a walk though so go prepared.
- There are two entry points; kiriwhakapapa and mikimiki road ends. Kiriwhakapapa has toilets and a picnic area and is a nicer place to start.
- An easier option is to start from Kiriwhakapapa Road End and walk to the first stream crossing and back, from memory probably about 1hr 30mins return.
Tracks Info and Map: