Rangiwahia Hut

Rangiwahia Hut

Distance: 8.8km return

Approximate time: 4 to 6 hours return

Location: Ruahines

Driving time from Palmy: 1hr 20mins, 84km, windy road, only the last part is gravel

Terrain: Up, brief down before the bridge which is about halfway then up to the hut. Steep in places.

Track Surface: First part is very good walking track, once the zig zag track starts around the old slip it's a good quality tramping track, a few rocky parts.


- A massive drop off right next to the track most of the way along.

- Can be slippery after rain

- Area frequented by hunters

- General hazards in hut: wood fire, long drop, deck with a small drop off


Suitable for: Babies/toddlers in carriers (front carries are a bit tricky as there are quite a few steps and need to see where your feet are but we managed fine with a five week old in a stretchy); supervised older children - not ones that will wander off the edge though!

Dogs: Allowed with a permit


- Toilet (long drop) at the start

- There is an obvious parking space near the toilets and a small parking area a bit further up but it's easier to park at the bottom to save having to walk down to the toilets before starting. It would be very tricky to find somewhere to go to the loo on the way. There are toilets at the hut.

- A stick (or two) would be a good idea

- The weather in the ranges can change very quickly and regardless of the forecast especially when taking young children it's important to make sure you have good warm clothes and wet weather gear.

- There is no longer gas cooking at the hut but there is a table and chairs, running unfiltered water and a wood fire.


Doc Information:



Google Map of Approximate start location: 

