Turitea Greens Road Track

Turitea Greens Road Track

Distance: 3kmish one way

Approximate time: 1-2hrs return
Location: Turitea Road behind Massey
Terrain: Initially uphill then flattens out once you get to the track to undulating
Track Surface: Gravel road intially then gravel track
- First part is on gravel road which is open to traffic (although exceptionally quiet)
- Bikes also use this track
- Drop off to the river at the side of the track 
- Lots of deadly nightshade plants
Suitable for: All, possibly prams but overgrown in parts at the moment, road part would be suitable for prams
Dogs: Allowed
Park just before the bridge at the end of turitea road and walk up the gravel road to the right (see first photo) not there is also a driveway off to the right before this.
You can combine this with a walk along the Turitea Green Corridor (see Te Araroa Walkway Site for details, involves multiple stream crossings)
Google Map of Approximate Start Location: